Constructed Mythology

Greetings to you all, I am Rojixus, the new admin and second founder of Creative Sci-Fi Wiki. As you may be aware, both of our wikis and a third one were created as part of something called "the Parnassus Web Ring" by Apollo of Parnassus (or Mighty Erick, or whatever the hell he's calling himself these days). That was years ago and for some reason he has completely dropped off the map, leaving our respective wikis to fend for themselves.

That's why I'm here now, we were created from the same cloth and should therefore keep in touch. CSFW has over 1000 articles but the number of active users could be counted on one hand. I'd like to think I made a great deal of progress on CSFW since becoming admin. In any event, I'm not here to shill for CSFW, I only came to let you know that Creative Sci-Fi Wiki is in the same boat as this wiki looks to be. We could go far if we help each other out, I'll be keeping in touch. Rojixus 22:23, May 17, 2012 (UTC)