Constructed Mythology
Sketch of Oruin

A Sketch of Oruin

Katar's Capital, Oruin remains the second largest city in the empire, and by far the most fortified. Built on a lone pinnacle of rock, this awe-inspiring fortress dominates the landscape. During The Three kingdoms war, the Katarians noted its defensive significance and built a fort there. This was soon populated by local peasants and serfs looking for shelter from the now raging War. After the Fall of Katar, the Haram razed the old capital and declared Oruin as the new one. Later, during the pre-war years, the Haram erected towers and walls up to the top of the rock making it the strongest fortress to be found anywhere. Oruin served as a major deterrent to its enemies in not only The Haram War, but the Imperial Wars too.


Oruin has a soaring population of almost 100,000.