Hello, It is Castalian Spring forum. It is a place where new users can discuss their new ideas for creations if they are not really sure what they want to create. It is an open forum, you can also talk about general worldbuilding, fantasy writing, you can even leave your comments about this whole project, or... if you prefer, you can just say hello. Mighty Erick 12:16, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
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Hm, good idea... though i don't have anything to post on it right now except what i just wrote....
Flamefang 18:17, 25 September 2008 (UTC)Flamefang
Hey, here we go, I Challenge someone to go and make an NSFW! If you want info on this go to my profile. An example of an NSFW is Kaile.
Flamefang 03:02, 1 October 2008 (UTC)Flamefang
- I second that challenge, and offer Malicha as another world to look into. DJ 1337 Man 14:03, 1 October 2008 (UTC)
NSFW... a non-stereotypical fantasy world...I'm working on something like thatPmkava 03:46, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
Haha, wow it took almost exactly a month to get a response... 44 minutes difference. Oh well, what is it?
Flamefang 03:56, 31 October 2008 (UTC)Flamefang
Good for you, Flamefang! DJ 1337 Man 17:56, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
well, it all depends on what exactly you mean by Non-Stereotypical... i was thinking I'd have completely original races, no elves or dwarfs or even humans. I'm still working on the idea. Pmkava 01:13, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
Ah, we didn't go that far, but there are no dwarves, and all the "non-human" races are related to Humanity one way or another, except Dragons. I'll be interested to see how yours turns out!
Flamefang 03:50, 5 November 2008 (UTC)Flamefang
Collaborative Article: Clabra[]
Here's another idea: Would anyone want to help me and/or others start a new collaborative fantasy world? Preferably another NSFW, but I would be open to anything, really. We could include the best ideas from all of the worlds of the people who help, too (such as, if Flamefang were to help, it could be an NSFW, or (in my case) it could have an intricate story, etc., etc., etc....).
I have an idea for a name: Clabra. If anyone wants to help, you may input your favorite concept from your own world, to make it fair. Just don't contradict previously added concepts, and we'll be off to a good start!
Here are the ideas we'll use at this point (and who they're from):
- Non-Stereotypical Fantasy World (Flamefang & Esyrias, nominated by DJ-1337-Man)
- Intricately woven storyline (DJ-1337-Man & Flamefang + Esyrias)
- Good, readable-by-everyone grammar (should be everyone's idea, nominated by DJ-1337-Man)
I hope to see how this story comes out! DJ 1337 Man 17:56, 3 November 2008 (UTC)