Constructed Mythology

The fairytale realm, or realms, are the Otherworld lands where famous fairytales take place, and often these lands are based in story and are sustained off of the belief of humans in our world. The Endless Woods is the main fairytale realm, which, as it says, is endless. It contains The School For Good and Evil, where inhabitants as well as some Readers from the nearby town of Gavaldon are trained to become the next heroes/villians in fairytales written by the magic pen known as the , although the woods are so big that not all the inhabitants are even aware of its existence. These ‘woods’ include deserts and oceans as well, outside of the main enchanted forest. Many different versions of the same stories and characters exist at different points of the woods because they are so large.

The town of Storybrooke, Maine was created from a curse in the fairytale realm, and eventually became the location of the ‘United Realms’ where the region of the fairytale world which had been cursed was able to exist in its own small pocket dimension in our world.

Ever After is a fairytale realm which contains Ever After High, where descendants of fairytale characters are trained to relive the fairytale. Milton Grimm created the school and the Storybook of Legends in order to control the fairytale realm. Ever After is connected to its own version of Wonderland.

There is also the realm/universe known as the Everrealm, which is more of its own independent universe, although still connected to our world. The Disney Princess kingdoms exist in this world.