Constructed Mythology
Erideon Remus Aurwynma
Biographical Information

Eledea, Eleduin Province, Silwerian Empire

Date of Birth

310, Aurwynma Calendar

Date of Death

351, Aurwynma Calendar

Physical Description






Hair Color


Eye Color


Personal Information

Silwerian Empire, Kingdom of Andrago, House Aurwynma


Kingsland Rebels, House Vethora, Southron League


Aurwynma Edge

Fighting Styles




Political Information
Position / Rank

General of the 3rd Silwerian Legion, Head of House Aurwynma

Current Affiliation

House Aurwynma, Silwerian Empire, 3rd Silwerian Legion

OOC Information

"I am a general, not a king. I will make sure that your mouth is sealed off with some needleworks the next time you mention anything political to me, father." - Erideon Aurwynma to Alleck Patrisen, the Lord of Riverguard and husband of Lilian Aurwynma

Erideon Remus Auriemma (45 Sunpride 310 – 3 Lifesong 351) was a general of Silwerian army during the First Invasion of the South. He was the son of Alleck Patrisen and Lilian Aurwynma thus eligible of inheriting the throne. However, Erideon rejected and decided to continue his military career instead of taking the throne.

He was a highly decorated general in the War of the Two Realms, awarded the Nerahvim Sword for his triumph over the Kingsland Rebels. It was his leadership of Silwerian and Andragoshi forces in the Borderland Campaign that established the legend of the Storm Wyvern. He is considered to have been one of the most skilled commanders of the Silwerian Empire. He successfully carried out Serah Aurwynma's orders during the Siege of Kavaleon and was able to deliver the fatal blow to the Southron force led by Tayge Octawin.

Early Life[]

Military Career[]

Under Barold Ferrdin[]

Sunpride Crisis[]

General of the 3rd Legion[]

First Southron Invasion of the North: 333—351[]

Service in the Northlands[]

Deployment to the South[]

Reclaiming Kingsland[]

Siege of Kavaleon

Fight in the Lowlands

Borderland Campaign[]

Octawin's Demise and the Attack on Breakspear Isles

End of the First Invasion[]